60 Day Transformation
One = I like to use bullet points and outlines to convey info
INTERMITTENT FASTING: Gorillas chill much of the day, as did early humans in the savannas for millions of years. They didn’t sit in rush-hour traffic for hours or punch a clock or gorge themselves three times a day—common facets of modern life. Yet these lead to untold amounts of stress, day after day, year after year. Stress leads to tightness in the body, constricted breathing and faulty digestion. Over years this stress leads to unbearable anxiety, early-aging, obesity and chronic illness. We must reduce this stress, and the best way to start is be easing digestive stress, giving the body a break from constantly trying to convert and eliminate the unrelenting bombardment of meal after meal packed into our gut. So… so after eating an early and light dinner consisting of healthy foods, we sleep sound, thus enabling the body to repair and rejuvenate. We wake refreshed and start the morning with a large glass of fresh water infused with a whole lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper. This gently activates the digestive system. We then follow this with a large-as-you-want warm mug of delicious Gorilla Coffee (recipe below). A healthy salad and protein for lunch and our body easily digests the load. NOTE: We should never eat a meal that puts us in a coma, or even leaves us sluggish. That’s the body telling us TOO MUCH!
GUT BIOME: The gut is the command center of the body, NOT the brain. Love this quote from a recent medical study: ‘Collectively referred to as the “second human genome” the gut microbiome in particular is now being considered a separate “organ” with distinct metabolic and immune activity.’ Ponder that. Now ponder more. This is the key to my nutrition program. One of my best friends of nearly died from colitis, an autoimmune disease, ten years ago. At just 29. Leading specialists at UCLA wanted to remove his colon and replace it with an external pouch. No more surfing. No more intense athletics. As he researched and learned, I researched and learned everything I could about gut microbiome. Mindblown. He ended up begging a doctor to give him one of the first fecal transplants in the United States, illegal at the time, and the healthy feces from another person cured him. Turns out fecal transplants from skinny people into obese people results in stunning immediate weight loss. Turns out fecal transplants into autistic children reduces symptoms by 50%. Weight gain/loss. Anxiety/depression. Inflamation. The effects of an unhealthy gut biome are staggering. What feeds unhealthy bacteria in our guts? Sugar. Animal protein. Alcohol. White flour. Fruit juices. Honey. Fried foods. Processed foods. Good foods: plant fiber, plant fiber, plant fiber… meaning salads, garlic, onions, whole soy beans, artichokes (my fav), fermented foods (kim chee, natto, sauerkraut). We need to ‘retrain’ our gut biome—out with the old, in with the new—this is the crux of the diet.
LOW INSULIN: Insulin tells the body to store fat. Insulin spikes drive irresistible sugar cravings. So let’s reduce insulin reactions in the body by all but eliminating carbs. No grains. No fruits.
ZERO drinks. Except water, tea and coffee. No BUTS.
WATER. Fill 64oz jug of water and drink throughout the day until gone. Then drink more.
CHEAT DAY: Six Days ON… Sunday CHEAT day — eat what you want!
Standard Day: Gorilla coffee in the morning… big salad at lunch… roasted vegetables or soup at night.
KETOSIS: It typically takes 2-3 days to put the body into a state of ketosis. Which happens when we deprive the body of carbs. Once in ketosis, the body will switch from carbs for energy to burning stored fat. So it goes.
WALK: Every day for 20 min. During the this walk turn off the iphone and focus on nature. Give yourself a break. Remember that transformation is an intense experience. So feel it happening, enjoy it and ultimately accept the change. The body is malleable, it’s the mind that calcifies and resists… so meditate on the transformation and revel in even the small changes immediately taking place, program the mind to accept this as the new normal.
INSIDE/OUTSIDE TRANSFORMATION: Just as the gut affects physical health, so do our mental states. Stress is deadly. Blood pressure. Hormones. Binge eating. Inability to remain focused and ‘say no.’ These are all triggered by our mental states throughout the day. Remember to straighten a warped wheel requires addressing every spoke, tuning each a bit at a time.
RULE NOT THE EXCEPTION: Don’t beat yourself up for slips. We all slip. But beating ourselves up only affects #10 above. So accept the slip, understand that reverting to old ways is normal in with change esp in times of stress, and continue walking up the mountain/
Those are the basics.
DM me on Instagram with comments or questions.
For in-depth coaching with this transformation process DM me. All cards on the table: I’m only accepting a few clients as I’m busy with numerous projects, but I’ve learned from my own personal coaches that helping others only helps me :-)